C3 no.129 (1995 #5/12)
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Sooner or Later

Face of Messiahnic Buddha _ Kim KyoungSoo


Opening of the Market and Liberation of Consciousness _ Yoo Kerl


− Cardiff Bay Opera House _ Zaha Hadid

− Sppittelau Viaduct Speculative Retail, Studios and Artist Housing, Vienna _ Zaha Hadid

− St. Etienne Episcopal Church and School _ Peter Grina

− Kinderwindowgarten _ Yung Ho Chang

− Kinderwallgarten _ Yung Ho Chang

− National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium _ Esherick Homsey Dodge and Davis

− Children’s Museum about the World _ Esherick Homsey Dodge and Davis

− NonHyoun Building _ Choi DongKyu

− SeoUl Presbyterian Theological School Library _ Choi DongKyu

− KwangJo Baptist Church _ Choi DongKyu

− SoMang Academy _ Choi DongKyu

− Cauchy Town Hall _ Dubosc & Landowski

− Opperman Hall & Law Library, Drake University _ Leonard Parker

− West Palm Beach Waterfront _ James Mary O’Connor

− Santa Monica House _ James Mary O’Connor

− Espoo Cultural Centre _ Arto Sipinen

− Mikkeli Concert Hall _ Arto Sipinen

− Imatra Cultural Centre _ Arto Sipinen


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