C3 no.141 (1996 #5/12)
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Sooner or Later

Architect’s Self – Esteem _ Kim KyongSoo

JeaGal Youp

Conviction of Subject


Spirit of Time


Impression and Sense of Texture

Restriction and Heterogeneity _ JeaGal Youp + Yoon InSeok

Yi EunYoung

Architecture in a Foreign Culture _ Volkwin Marg

Thesis _ Yi EunYoung

− Breslauerplatz, Köln

− Hauptbahnhof _ Spreeufer, Berlin

− Nürnberger Beteiligungs AG

− Bundespräsidialamt, Berlin

− Alstadtring, Dresden

− Felix-Nussbaum – Haus, Osnabrück

− The National Museum of Korea, SeoUl

− Weimarhalle

Florian Beigel

Exteriors into Interiors – Hans Scharoun’s Idea of Stadtlandschaften _ Florian Beigel

The Idea of Landspace _ Kim JongKyu

− Yokohama International Port Terminal Design Competition, Yokohama, Japan

− The Reconstruction of the Beirut Souks, International Architectural Competition

− Nara Convention Hall International Design Competition, Nara, Japan

− Zaki Apartment, Kensington, London

− Bloomers Hole Bridge, Upper Thames River Near Lechlade, Oxfordshire, England

− International Competition for a Tibetan Buddhist Monastery, Holy Island, Scotland

− Half Moon Theatre, East London

− Bishopsfield Housing Prototype Modernisation Project, Harlow, Essex

− Exteriority and the Everyday, Materiality, Towards Invisibility


A Look into the Drawings for la Llauna _ Ian Frederick Taberner


Catholic Church of the SeoUl Archdiocese

Multipurpose Sports Complex, SuhGoo, TaeJoun


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