C3 no.157 (1997 #9/12)
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Sooner or Later

America _ Kim SungWoo

Kerl Yoo

− MilrAl School

Criticism: Toward a Craft Including Functions – Possibility and Limitations of the ‘Pictoriality’ in MilrAl School _ Yim SeockJae

Kim YoungSub

− Resurrection Catholic Church

Criticism: Symbolicity of an Egg and the Issue of the Character of Contemporary Church Space – An Image between the Transcendental World and the Worldly Community Issued in Resurrection Catholic Church _ Yim SeokJae

Charles Correa

Blessings of the Sky _ Chalres Correa

Criticism: The Resources of Spatial Imagination _ Udo Kultermann

− Vidhan Bhavan, State Assembly, Bhopal

− Jawahar Kala Kendra, Jaipur

− Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pune

− British Council, Delhi

− Permanent Mission of India to the U,N,. New York


Solar Energy in Architecture International Student Design Competition, KyoungJoo High-Speed Railway Station


Complex media Center, HanNam University

SoungDong Administrative Complex

Athletic Center, KeumChounKoo

KyeYang Provincial Office, InChoun

Provincial Office and Committee Building, HwaSung


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